If you're looking to generate a side income that's not tied to the number of hours you work and doesn't require you to do any selling...

...here's the simple plan I've taught hundreds of my students and you're welcome to duplicate.

Simple Side Business

So right now a lot of local businesses are hurting...

They usually always struggle but now even more so than ever.

And one of the biggest challenges they face is getting that steady flow of new customers.

They might be swamped on Fridays and Saturdays but then tumbleweeds on Monday and Tuesday.

This inconsistency makes it impossible to keep on top of the bills.

Business search results

That's where our simple "Review Rocket" system saves the day.

We help local businesses get in front of new customers who are already searching for their business on Google each day.

You see, 46% of all Google searches are now people looking for local businesses (restaurants, plumbers, dentists, salons, etc).

It's how we all now look for local businesses.

We search something like "Italian restaurants near me" or "hair salons near me".

A bunch of businesses pop up and we quickly scan the top 4-5, read some reviews, and then make our choice.

Businesses getting customers

And so it's these businesses showing at the top of the search results that are getting the majority of these new customers from Google each day.

So we help local businesses quickly get their business to show up here at the top of these results using our "Review Rocket" system.

And it's very easy to do.

You see, Google looks at a business's reviews to help rank them in the local search results.

So think of reviews like votes for a business.

The more positive reviews a business has, the higher up they get placed in Google.

But it's not just the number of reviews Google cares about.

How recent and consistent those reviews are matters too.

So a business with hundreds of old reviews can still be outranked by a business with a smaller number of more recent reviews.

And so our "Review Rocket" system helps feed Google a steady stream of new, positive reviews each day while keeping any negative feedback out of Google's sight.

In essence, we give Google exactly what they want.

This quickly gets the business favored by Google and they show up higher in the search results.

Which means more new customers finding and choosing their business each day.

Sound confusing?

Let me show you a quick demo of how this works...


Step 1

When a customer goes to pay, they're shown a simple flyer like this asking them to leave a review. And 63% of customers will happily leave a review if asked.


Step 2

The customer scans the QR code on the flyer which then opens a custom review page for that business, asking them to rate their experience from 1 to 5 stars.

Step 2 continued

After choosing their rating, a form appears asking for the customers name and email. This step is super important as it builds the business an email list of all their customers they can market to later.


This is the cool part. Based on how many stars they chose, they're sent to one of two pages...

1-3 Star Rating Process

If they chose 1-3 stars

They're sent to a page where they can leave private feedback which is then emailed directly to the business owner and never gets posted on Google.

4-5 Star Rating Process

But if they chose 4 or 5 stars

They get prompted to leave a review on Google and our software automatically takes them straight to the page where they can do just that.

And that's it!

The business gets a new 4 or 5 star review on Google, while any negative feedback is kept off Google, where possible.

As the business racks up these 4 and 5 star reviews each day, they quickly rise up Google's local rankings into one of those top visible spots - putting them in front of a constant stream of new customers.

And because most businesses already get at least some customers each day, once the "Review Rocket" system is plugged in, they start seeing new reviews rolling in right away.

We offer this service to businesses for $197/month (that breaks down to less than $7 per day) which makes it a no-brainer investment for them to be fed new customers from Google each day.

Now you're likely thinking...

"This looks great and I can see why local businesses would really want this service, but how would I sell it to them?"

Maybe you're like me and you hate selling or you're just no good at it?

Well, don't stress...

Free Training

I recently recorded a free zoom training session where I show you how we now sell this service for you, so you don't have to do any selling at all...

(and yes, I know that sounds too good to be true but let me show you exactly what I mean)...

And I also show you a quick demo of the software we use to provide this service. Once you set things up it runs on near autopilot so your income is no longer tied to the number of hours you work.

So if you're even remotely interested in having a consistent and passive monthly income you can count on, just click here and I'll send you a link to that free zoom video right away.

I look forward to seeing you in the next video shortly...

- Will

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